Saturday, August 22, 2009

August's Entry

Alright alright, I had totally miss out July's entry. Well, I guess the mood just sets in today at work ( as usual ). I need to update my blog!!!

After attending an one day attachment in a childcare center, I just don't understand why do teachers have to speak to children in mandarin all day long. Isn't english supposed to be our first language? People there ain't as friendly as I though they'll be too. Toddlers are crying yet they told me to leave them alone. I was being evaluated by a secretary rather than the principle or english head. That was how much respect I earned from them.

Thus, Night safari is definitely a much better place to dive in rather than the childcare education line. This is all concluded from my own personal perspective.

School's starting in just a couple of weeks and I'm rather nervous about it. I haven't been studying for the past almost 2 years and I believe that the sudden increase of workload in school will definitely freak me out. I pray that the programmings involved will not cease the functionality of my body. =(.

However, I do look forward to starting school to a certain extent. Imagine all the learnings of designing will soon flow my brain and the feeling will be AWESOME! =)) Anyways, i do miss being a student. Being a student will just guarantee me more benefits.

Recently, my dear pokey just had a new brother! His name is Furby. I'll upload the pictures when I load them from the camera. They're so absolutely adorable! Pokey is a short coat while Furby is a long coat. Pokey is Furby's elder brother and both of them seek each other for comfort. With that fact, I am comforted.

I'm not sure why, but after he started working, he does gets pissed at times. I understand it must be due to the workload and stuffs, however, he just ain't the same as he was before. Maybe it's because I threw too much 'stunts' on him till he can't be bothered anymore. It became just part and parcel of life. At times, I'm getting into my depression mood but who will know anyway? I don't want to be weak thus I guess I just have to be nonchalant about it.

Okie, let me whine abit more.

I do not know how to solve the problem as I made him pissed due to small matters, eg. talking in a tone that is 'okie to me however it sounds like im unhappy with him'. He doesn't really try to make me as happy as he would in the past anymore. I believe the same applies to me. Feedback from his side states that I'm not as concerned as I were in the past.

Maybe I guess it's time to just let loose abit. Afterall, he is working in retail line and retail line = more partying, meeting lots of hot pretty girls, more late nights with friends and lesser time to accompany me.

The more I type, the more I feel like crap. Maybe to the extent of crying again? Ha. That's what i do most of the times anyway.

Man it's an emo entry.

Till then,